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BBL Forever Young: Discover the Secrets of Young and Healthy Skin

What is BBL Forever Young?

“BBL Forever Young” is an application of BroadBand Light (BBL) light technology. Often used as a treatment for skin rejuvenation, this technology treats a variety of skin problems using intense pulse light (IPL).

With BBL procedure, sun damage, pigment spots, visible capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles on the skin are treated. It provides skin tightening by causing collagen increase in the skin.

How to Apply BBL Forever Young?

Skin type and problems are first evaluated before BBL Forever Young application. Visia Skin Anaylsis provides an objective and detailed evaluation at this point.

Then, the preparation phase begins. In the preparation phase before the procedure, the area to be treated is cleaned and a cooling gel is applied. Broad spectrum BBL Forever Young light therapy is then started. Pigment spots, capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles on the skin are treated. Cooling devices used during the procedure protect the skin surface and lead to more comfortable procedure. The procedure is usually completed in a short time, and there may be slight redness after the treatment. However, recovery is rapid.

What are the Benefits of BBL Forever Young?

BBL Forever Young procedure was developed to achieve a fresh, bright, youthful skin appearance and to eliminate a number of skin problems. The main benefits of BBL Forever Young, which stands out with its non-invasiveness, short recovery time and suitability for various skin types, can be summarized as follows:

Sun Damage Reduction: BBL Forever Young can reduce skin damage caused by years of sun and UV exposure. Ultraviolet rays from the sun cause sun and pigment spots, and skin tone irregularities. BBL treatment can eliminate these problems.

Reducing Pigment Spots:The treatment can reduce pigment spots on the skin. It can offer an effective solution against pigmentation problems caused by age or sun exposure.

Reducing Fine Lines and Wrinkles: BBL Forever Young rejuvenates the skin. This effect occurs as a result of skin tightening and reduction of lines and wrinkles due to the increase in collagen production.

Skin Tightening: BBL Forever Young Light Therapy increases skin elasticity and helps tighten it. It can reduce signs of sagging skin by increasing collagen production.

Lightening Acne and Acne Scars: BBL Forever Young, can help lighten acne (pimples) and acne scars. The treatment can improve the overall appearance of the skin, contributing to smoother skin.

Reducing Capillaries: The ability to reduce capillaries on the face can help achieve a more even tone on the skin. It can also relieve skin redness such as rosacea.

Improving Skin Tone: BBL Forever Young can be effective in evening skin tone and improving overall skin tone. It can reduce skin tone irregularities.

Non-invasive: BBL Forever Young is a non-invasive treatment that does not require surgical intervention. This means short recovery time after treatment.

After the treatment, the results may vary depending on the person’s skin structure and the intensity of the treatment. 3-4 sessions are usually recommended to achieve the best results, and a personalized treatment plan is created.

What Should Be Considered After BBL Forever Young?

After the BBL Forever Young procedure, patients should pay attention to some conditions to minimize possible side effects. Here are the important points that patients should pay attention to after BBL Forever Young treatment:

Sun protection: The skin can be more sensitive after treatment, so sun protection is essential. Sun exposure should be avoided during and after the treatment. If it is necessary to go outside, a high factor sunscreen should be used and treated areas such as the head, face and neck should be particularly protected.

Make-up: The use of make-up can be allowed immediately after treatment, however the skin may be sensitive. Light and mineral-containing make-up products should be preferred. It is important not to damage the skin during the application of make-up.

Skin care: Attention should be paid to skin care after the treatment. Special creams or cooling gels used after the application can help the skin heal quickly. Post-application care may vary depending on skin type and intensity of treatment.

Avoiding Hot Water and Steam:During the first few days, the effects of hot water and steam on the skin should be avoided. Showering with cold or warm water and avoiding contact with extremely hot water on the skin can contribute to healing.

What are BBL Forever Young Prices?

Please contact us to get price information about the BBL Forever Young procedure and to create a special treatment plan for you. Our expert esthetician will assist you in determining the most effective treatment for your skin needs and goals.