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Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.
Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.


What is a Bichectomy?

The cheek area is of great importance in perceiving an attractive and beautiful face. The “V” shape, creates a roof for an aesthetic facial appearance with the arms extending up to the cheekbones and sitting in the middle of the chin. The shadows formed in the soft tissue (skin, adipose, muscle tissue) covered by this roof contribute to a more attractive facial appearance.

The fullness of the cheek area causes a rounder face appearance. It causes shine instead of shadowing in the transition from the chin to the cheekbone area. A rounded or plump face appearance makes the person move away from an aesthetic and attractive face appearance most of the time.

The adipose in the face area is found in different layers and groups. The adipose layer in the deep tissue of the cheek area is called “Bichat” adipose. By removing this adipose layer from a small mucous incision made in the mouth is called a “bichectomy”.

Is It Possible to Get Rid of the Appearance of Excess Cheeks?

Bichectomy Surgery

The bichectomy or cheek thinning (cheek adipose removal) surgery contributes to an attractive facial appearance. For this reason, it is a surgery frequently used by Hollywood stars to improve facial aesthetic. Among these stars, Angelina Jolie is a popular example of cheek aesthetic.

After Bicolectomy

Surgery procedure is a one-day procedure and the patient does not need to stay in the hospital. It is done under sedation (mild drowsiness) or the general anesthesia. A small line-shaped incision is made in the oral mucosa for the right and left cheeks. From here, the “Bichat” cheek adipose is extracted. After the procedure, self-dissolving sutures are placed. It is recommended that patients pay attention to oral hygiene and eat a watery diet 2-3 days after the procedure.