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Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.
Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

Body Aesthetic after Weight Loss

In Which Areas Can Aesthetic Application Be Made after Weight Loss?

The men and women who lose weight after obesity surgery experience more skin prolapsing and deformity in the certain parts of their bodies than others. The skin, which is stretched much more than normal depending on excess weight, begins to loosen in these areas after the weight loss. In a sense, the skin that has lost its elasticity cannot adapt to the body and face that has lost its volume to a great extent. The areas where excess skin is common include the waist and abdomen, upper arms, inner thighs, breast, back, hips, and face and décolleté.

In these areas, in which patients have the most problems, prolapsing and excess skin take on different appearances. It is usually possible to see a skin hanging down on the upper arm. The excess skin in the abdomen, sometimes descending to the genital area, can droop on the breasts to the shadow of the abdomen.

Is Aesthetics after Extreme Weight Loss Suitable for Everyone?

Those who are overweight lose adipose mass in almost every part of their body through diet, sports or obesity surgery methods. After this weight loss process, the post-obesity aesthetic procedures are performed to remove excess skin. The men and women who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy or other bariatric surgery procedures can benefit from the aesthetic procedures after the obesity surgery.

However, in order to benefit from these applications, it is necessary that the patients have reached the appropriate metabolic state after losing weight, by taking into account their age. At the same time, the body mass index of the patients should remain normal and they should remain stable at the weight they have decreased for at least 2-3 months, especially after bariatric surgery.