Important Warning

Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.

Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

Önemli Uyarı

Dr. Andaç AYKAN hiçbir kişi, kuruluş veya kurumla işbirliği yapmamaktadır.
İletişim, randevu veya danışma için yalnızca burada belirtilen resmi numaraları kullanın.

Important Warning

Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.
Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.


What is Mesotherapy?

In the mesotherapy; the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants or patented products that prevent the tissue oxidation are applied to the lower layers of the skin of the targeted area in specified doses and amounts.

It differs in the substances used according to the purpose (depending on the type of the mesotherapy). The skin rejuvenation and tightening, cellulite reduction, regional slimming, prevention of the hair loss, and strengthening of the hair strands take place among the applications.

The mesotherapy applications are performed in sessions. The number of sessions and the time between the sessions can vary, depending on the targeted treatments.


The combination of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that prevent the tissue oxidation.