Important Warning

Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.

Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

Önemli Uyarı

Dr. Andaç AYKAN hiçbir kişi, kuruluş veya kurumla işbirliği yapmamaktadır.
İletişim, randevu veya danışma için yalnızca burada belirtilen resmi numaraları kullanın.

Important Warning

Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.
Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

Mole Treatment

andaç aykan

Mole Treatment What Is a Mole? Human skin consists of two layers under the microscope, and certain cells are located in these layers. Among them is a group of cells called melanocytes, which give our skin its color and protect us from ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Most of the time, moles are caused […]