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Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.

Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

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Dr. Andaç AYKAN hiçbir kişi, kuruluş veya kurumla işbirliği yapmamaktadır.
İletişim, randevu veya danışma için yalnızca burada belirtilen resmi numaraları kullanın.

Important Warning

Dr. Andaç AYKAN does not collaborate with any person, organization, or institution.
Use only the official numbers mentioned here for communication, appointment, or consultation.

Tummy Tuck

What is Tummy Tuck?

After the pregnancy or after the excessive weight gain, the structural irregularities, excesses and cracks can occur in the skin of the abdominal region. Not only it reduces confidence by causing the disfigurement, but also makes it difficult to choose clothes in daily life, causes the sweating due to the excessive skin and causes the redness.

The abdominoplasty is the medical name given to tummy tuck surgery. The excess skin and skin prolapses, as well as cracks in the abdominal skin are also removed. At the same time, the looseness in the abdominal muscles (rectus muscle) is eliminated. As a result, the skin around the navel and the cracks under it disappear. Not only the abdominal skin is stretched, but also the anterior abdominal wall is tightened, so that the waist area becomes as thin as the abdomen, and the waist fold is more beautiful. A new and younger looking umbilicus is created.

The significant pain in the abdominoplasty is not seen commonly and the pain relief is expected with the simple painkillers in our patients. After this surgery, the patients are discharged after one or two nights of hospitalization.

The stitch marks arising from the abdominoplasty surgery usually result in an acceptable fine suture scar. When planning the surgery, care should be taken to ensure that the laxative is worn under everyday underwear.

Mini Abdominoplasty

The mini abdominoplasty is a method applied to the patients having the fat accumulation and excess skin under the umbilicus. During the surgery, the abdominal part below the navel is stretched, but the location of the navel does not change. Although tightening of the intra-abdominal muscles and muscle membranes is also applied in the mini abdominoplasty, it is performed in a more limited area than in the normal abdominoplasty.